This tutorial explains how to work with points in the canvas. To add a new control point, simply click on the canvas. To move a point, you can drag it to the new position. The movement can also be undone by clicking the undo button from the toolbar. Finally, selecting multiple points (by dragging over them) and them moving them to a new location is also possible.
To delete trajectory points, first you need to select them, then click on the remove points button from the toolbar. Again, this operation can also be undone.
For changing the timing of one point, you can use the timeline bar near the bottom of the screen. Clicking on a handle from the timeline will highlight the appropriate point in the canvas. Moving the handle on the timeline will adjust the timing accordingly.
In order to change the timing of multiple points at once, first select the points from the canvas, then drag the highlighted handles in the timeline. This will move all the selected points in time.
Note: you can also change the timing of one point by first selecting it in the canvas, then dragging its handle from the timeline.
Probably one of the most useful commands is adding intermediate points. To be more precise, adding one new point in-between two already existing ones. To achieve this, simply click on the timeline between the two points where you want to add a new one. This will automatically create a new point in the trajectory and place it between the two old ones.
Another useful functionality is to restrict the working interval. For this, you can slide the two handles that are above the timeline and the time frame that is displayed in the canvas will change. This means that points outside of the selected range will not be displayed. This is very useful when working on large trajectories.
This is a rather tricky situation: you might find yourself that after adding a number of points in the canvas, it seems like no new points can be added. This is because the interval slider is set to a certain maximum value and the whole interval is filled with points. To add new ones, simply drag the right handle of the interval slider to the right to make more room.
The Hopping Allowed option allows you to move timeline handles over other handles. This is useful when trying to change the order in which the drone visits the points.
Note: the options menu has two other commands: one for showing the trajectory points (the control points) and the other for showing the trajectory (the blue points)